What Immersion Of The Mindtm Videos Really Look Like

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What Immersion Of The Mindtm
Videos Really Look Like

The Immersion Of The Mindtm 2D video process turns the filmmaking process on its head. Performers themselves become main collaborators with filmmakers in directing how camera and post-production people must have – and use – a deep knowledge of the artistry that they are recording, and how they must position the camera during filming and do the editing in the cutting room.

Imagine what would happen if camera people didn’t have a feel, or had no knowledge of music or dance while filming “The Nutcracker” or a revival of “West Side Story” or “Chorus Line”. Most and perhaps all of what is compelling in those stories would be lost in the video.

Scroll down to see for yourself how real viewer immersion is achieved in 2D. Each video shows you how brilliant choreographers, dancers, musicians, lighting experts and their filmmaker team members achieved the magic of viewer immersion – achieved when choreographers and performers were on the team directing the filmmaking itself.

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Sample These Immersive Videos
By AAlchemy’s Creative Partners

Each of these leaders is way ahead of the rest, purposefully marrying advanced 2D cinematography and the performing arts to immerse viewers deep into the story without ever needing VR.

Dance artist, choreographer and award-winning filmmaker based in the U.K., Jamiel Laurence has created work for organizations including BBC ARTS, BBC Scotland, Google, Scottish Ballet, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and more. His works have been shown by the BBC, BBC World Service, the International Mobile Film Festival, New York Mobile Film Festival, The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Dance on Camera New York, the San Francisco International Dance Film Festival and many more.

Here, Laurence’s evocative Do I Have Free Will?

The 2010 founder and Artistic Director of New York’s Indelible Dance Company, Robin Cantrell has performed, taught, and presented her choreography in over 60 countries worldwide during the course of her career.
Under Cantrell’s leadership, Indelible Dance Company creates unforgettable immersive dance performances both live and filmed, fostering collaborations with artists and brands to bring the best of dance to a wider audience.

Here, an except from Cantrell;s Odyssey“, a 2D video immersive film amazingly shot POV in one take.


Just two short years after its founding in 2009 by Ina Broeckx and Walter Matteini, Imperfect Dancers Company had already been chosen as the resident dance company of the Pisa Opera and Ballet Theatre in Italy. That says a lot.

But there’s more: in the years that have followed, imPerfect Dancers Company has met with acclaim in Italy, all over Europe, in Africa, in the United States and Canada, in Asia and in South America – five continents and counting!

Here: immerse yourself in this snapshot of how Imperfect Dancers created its compelling Anne Frank, Words From the Shadows“, now presented in over 20 countries including the US.


A New York City and Paris based creator, filmmaker, choreographer and dancer who has successfully translated her childhood passion for dance into a commercially impressive career of imagineering artful movement of mind and body, Julie Magneville is today among that tiny handful of sure-bet international go-to innovators when brands and sponsors insist on compelling live, live-streamed, and captivating filmmaking, perfection in performance direction, with storytelling and dance that captures and captivates audiences. 

Here, discover how Magneville answers the question of how “…the child become the father of the (wo)man” in her intimate and compelling immersive short:What Really Matters“.

Alison Cook Beatty Dance is an acclaimed New York City-based modern dance company founded in 2012 by award-winning choreographer Alison Cook-Beatty, a true creator who has successfully married passion, leadership, originality, entrepreneurial courage, and dance expertise that have been thrilling audiences ever since.


No better evidence exists of Cook-Beatty’s vision of immersing audiences into her choreographic storytelling than in “Dance Like No One Is Watching”, a 2021 dance film dedicated to dancers and backstage workers impacted by COVID-19. Alison Cook Beatty Dance thanks Matt Breton at Boston’s historic Strand Theater and the Mayor’s Office of Arts in the City of Boston for their support, as well as dancer Nika Antuanette, videographer and film editor Ellen Maynard, lighting designer Tony Marques, costume designer Ali Taghavi, and Graphic Designer Miranda Stuck for their contributions to this project.


Watch it here.

Power is anchored in the mind and movement of choreographer / dancer Isabelle Nelson. Her creative drive reaches way beyond brilliant performance on stage and screen to the magic of inspiring filmmakers, sound artists, musicians, festivals and more, all to collaborate in producing the near-impossible: wordless storytelling where performer and audience alike are carried away from the here and now to a moving world of emotion, intimacy, and desire.

Your opportunity to escape to Nelson’s world? Her one minute preview of Mana Ōrite, originated for the Tanzart Ostwest Festival 2019, “…a work exploring connection with my homeland, ‘tangata whenua’ [people of the land, the Māori], and oneness of self and the environment. Film by Fynn Roovers.


Watch Mana Ōrite here.

Madison Elliott is compelling proof that youth is no barrier to creative leadership. Hailing from Sioux Falls, South Dakota with New York City now her home base, Elliott as free-lance dancer, choreographer and artistic curator is leading her peers and and most of her Performing Arts elders in the art of immersive filmmaking.
 Elliott has already been featured in Dance Magazine for her dance film,Empty Vessel”, selected for New York City’s 92nd St Y Future Dance Festival 2021.

Elliott’s latest and exemplary example of 2D video immersiveness is UNSURE“, co-performed with dancer Cori Lewis and shot by Jake Kruty and Jon Rodrigues of New York City’s amazing dancer-filmmaker Retrograde Studios collaborative.